Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Labor (Day) of Love
- How much dog food do you use a week? This varies with the seasons. In the Summer we use less, because they eat less due to the Georgia heat - but it averages out to about 50 pounds a week.
- How often do you have to clean up poo? This too varies with the season, but I have found that many feed stores have foods that when converted to waste, will compost rapidly. But - as a general rule once or twice a week with the pooper scooper is plenty.
- How can you afford so many dogs? This is a question I ask myself many times! We are lucky that our vet offers a multi pet discount, and we take advantage of the local Rabies clinics. And, we sacrifice things for our animals.
- How do you control fleas and all the pet hair? This is an ongoing battle, but as with everything in life you take the good with the bad. We treat the yard, animals and house (if those pesky fleas invade). But, lets face it - even if there was only one, we would still have to do the same. And for the pet hair - a daily sweeping or vacuuming tends to be enough. The Great Pyrenees, Lulu, will only shed heavily once a year, and we have not had her long enough to experience that. But, brushing helps.
- What do you do with them when you go out of town? Simple. We have a sitter. Way too many to board in a kennel - besides, I prefer them to stay in their own comfortable surroundings.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Self Cleaning Fur?!!!
Last night when I got home, John and I decided to dip all the dogs. I make the dip, and we proceeded. 5 dogs takes a while. We did Lulu first. when we finished soaking her thoroughly, we turned her loose. She went directly to the part of the yard that was just dirt...... and rolled..... and rolled.... and then rolled some more! white dog turned brown with mud!!!! Horrible. Was going to take a picture but had 4 more dogs to dip. I remarked to John 'I hope its true that Great Pyrenees have self cleaning fur - if not - Lulu sleeps outside tonight!"
Well - believe it or not - once she dried - the dirt simple combed out! Unbelievable!!!!!! AND she was so clean at bed time she was able to sleep with me! Next time - I will be prepared and have camera close by!