I know its been a while since my last post - but - I spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days! The 4th batch of dog biscuits are in the oven! Two last weekend, and two more this weekend.
Here are the results I have so far:
First and foremost - the dogs LOVE them! Even if they did not repel fleas - as many treats as we go through (5 dogs, remember!) Its beneficial for me to make them. Not to mention the fact that I know what is in them. All natural, and no fillers or preservatives. And they are fresh. Ever bought dog biscuits that are old? Trust me - its not a pretty sight. Our inside dogs, Lulu and Snoopy get one when they come inside. And average of 3-4 in a 24 hour period. They sometimes go out just to come back in, thinking I will give them another! They fooled me once or twice, but I have caught on to their tricks!
Second, I have noticed a reduction in the fleas. Now, keep in mind, I can not guarantee that the biscuits are the cause in reduction. After all, I treated the house, the yard and the dogs, as well as began the dog biscuits. Not to mention the fact that Autumn is here. But, they are greatly reduced, and they are healthy treats. Its a win win situation.
Besides, folks who know me, know that the kitchen is my haven, and I enjoy fixing great tasting, healthy dishes. I personally can not vouch for the taste, but if the way my dogs act is any indication, they must be.
Also, want to give an update about Lulu. After 8 weeks here, she has fit in wonderfully! She is so fun to watch! Warning - there will be a new video soon!