I can not help but blame myself for leaving items in her reach - but after having Beth for so long - its hard to remember, Lulu is adjusting to us as well as we are to her.
Day before yesterday she 'found' a cardboard box. It was in tiny pieces when I walked in from work. I scolded her and told her it was not acceptable. I THOUGHT that would be sufficient. I was wrong.
I picked up anything that she had shown the slightest bit of interest in, and spend the remainder of the evening playing with her.
Then - I went in yesterday. She had taken the photo album of our Bristol race..... and chewed it into thousands (no exaggeration) of little tiny pieces. Sure - I have the pictures on my computer, and can easily reprint them.... and sure I was not 100% pleased with the album and wanted to redo it, but JOHN WAS. He had taken great care in arranging the photos in a specific order. He was very unhappy to say the least. I cleaned it up, and explained that they could be replaced. Thats when he informed me that until I could put away everything that she could chew, when we left for work, she had to go outside.
When she attempted to come in the kitchen, John told her firmly to go lay down. It literally scared the 'pee' out of her. She took off running! Thus, leading me to believe she has been punished before, perhaps even mistreated, prior to our adoption. This makes me even more determined to make her forget her past, and know we are devoted.
I obliged John this morning, and left her outside. I also left 'Oppy' out there with her. Perhaps his companionship will ease her.
I am asking for any and all suggestions on which is the best coarse of action. I intend to remove any and all temptation from her, as well as picking her up a monster raw hide bone... as well as rising earlier in the morning to allow time for a long walk. Or would a long walk in the evening be better? After all - that is when I have the most time. I know that she is bored - again - I watch way too much animal planet - or she would not be doing this. Is more exercise the key?
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