Friday, May 29, 2009

Lost, Found and Returned

It was a wet and dreary day on Wednesday. Too wet and rainy to go to the park and walk (which is my usual lunch time routine during the work week).

Several of my friends invited me to join them at lunch, but 
I declined. Although I could not walk, I was still drawn to the park.

Upon my nearing, a dog came running up the road towards my car. I slowed and hoped it would move - which it did. As a matter of fact, it followed me to my normal parking space. (Being a creature of habit, I always try to park in the same location every day).

As I opened the door, she tried to get in the car - cold, hungry and soaked to the bone.  I was on the  phone with John, all the while petting her. I spied that her collar had a name and number on it. Instantly I was off the phone with John, and dialing the number on the collar.

As I explained who I was, where I was and the reason for calling. he sighed that familiar sigh of relief. He said it would take him about 30 minutes to get there and asked if she was alone. He went on to explain that he and a friend had been coon hunting the night before and gotten separated from the dogs, He had been searching for them since 8 am.

As I waited for him to arrive, I pet and played with her. Very friendly. A couple of men with whom I work came up. Actually, we do not work together, we simply work in the same building and speak when our paths cross.

They asked about the dog, and I explained the situation. They left, went back to the office, and returned with some food for her. She ate that pork chop and bone like she had not eaten in days!!

When the owner arrived, his gratitude for my calling was apparent, as well as my staying with the dog until he could get there. I explained the generosity of my coworkers, as well as as my pleasure in seeing her returned safely to her proper owners.

 My husband explained later that evening that for most people that use dogs for hunting, although not mistreated, they do not love on them or give them an over abundance of food. There purpose is to work and are rewarded accordingly. These are not pets, but hunting dogs. None the less, if that is the case, for a brief time she was loved on and fed, and seemed grateful for all she received.

No matter what, I am glad I was able to assist in returning her, and will think fondly of my adventure.

The only question that remains - was she the reason I was drawn to the park? Some outside force influencing my actions? Or was it simply a coincidence. I think not. I think it was meant for me to be there. At the right place, and the right time. For both of us.

Below are 2 pictures that I made with my cell phone. ( She is attempting to lick herself dry.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

¿Qué Pasa?

Or - What's Happening?

Something about the way things are today just does not seem right. Every citizen has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So where does the Politically Correct Police come in? You should not pray at a ball game..... it might offend someone. You should not say Merry Christmas, instead use Happy Holidays.... because it might offend someone - or some group - which would impede on their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  But what about MY rights?

Its now politically correct for signs, billboards, even commercials to be bi-lingual. I am offended by this. I am an American citizen, born and raised in Georgia. But, due to the influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, I am forced to to read Spanish. That just does not seem right. If I was living in another country, would they allow me to communicate in only my native tongue? I think not. No special treatment for me. Why should these immigrants receive special treatment? They are allowed to bring their culture, their lifestyles to the US, and not conform to the American way of life. Why should we be forced to conform to theirs?  In their native country, it is acceptable to raise livestock in their yard. In the US, the folks who do that live on a farm. Not inside a sub-division where the average home is priced over 100 thousand dollars. Yet, they are allowed to get by with it, because they are immigrants.

Don't get me wrong - I come from a family of immigrants. My ancestors came to this country through Ellis Island, looking for a better life. They conformed to the American way of life. They learned and spoke English.

I have heard there is a debate going on within our government about making English the official language!. A DEBATE!!! ( those politically correct police are at it again!) Ballots are offered in many different dialects.... Why? What's next? Our traffic signs changed to bi-lingual? If you live and work here, and you can not speak or read the language. You need to learn. Period.

I have a sister-in-law who immigrated from the Philippines. There are no special signs or billboards or instructions printed for her. She conformed. She speaks English. Very well I might add! 

Elementary schools are forcing children to learn Spanish so that they can communicate with their classmates. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

A friend of mine, lived many years in Spain and Germany while she was growing up. Guess what! She conformed and learned Spanish and German so that she could communicate!! 

Another friend informed me today that the term Hispanic is not politically correct.  The proper term is Latino. But to quote him "I don't give a Mierda".

Many immigrants today do not wish to learn English. And why should they - everywhere you look everything is bi-lingual. If it were only in English, they would have no choice but to learn.  Personally, living, working in the US, I think one should have to.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

As you enjoy your day with family and friends..... take a moment to....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Piddle... Paddle... PLANT

Being a novice at almost everything, I consider myself a piddler. I piddle on the decorating of the house I call home, I piddle in the yard.... and I piddle with a garden (or at least a few tomato plants).

Most times, while doing these things,  I feel as if I am paddling up stream. Against the current, facing the rapids. Never quiet satisfied with my efforts. I should have done this differently, or added  that to improve the outcome or results.

Last year, my efforts in gardening were fruitful. (Please pardon the expression - but a tomato is actually a fruit). For the first time, we attempted tomatoes hanging upside down.... in buckets.
Here are a few pictures:

We have already started this years plants, and I am hoping they will do as well.......  will keep you posted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cubicle Kindness...

... or Thinking outside of your cube

Like many people, working for a large company, I reside inside a cubicle for 8 hours a day.

As a general rule, most of my coworkers are kind and considerate enough to keep their own personal noise level to a minimum. But there are a few exceptions to every rule. There should be a list of cube rules - either spoken or unspoken, which all should abide by.

Here are a few of my suggestions:
  1. No singing allowed. If you are kind enough to wear head phones, please do not sing along with the music. If I wanted to hear Captain and Tenille or the Bee Gees, I would load them on my iPod. I especially do not want to hear your monotone voice singing "Night Fever' out of tune.
  2. Speaker phones are strictly prohibited. Especially when the person you are calling is only four cubes away from you. It's heard in stereo - and personally I think one of you is more than enough.
  3. When eating in your cube, please keep the smacking to a minimum. And at least offer a sample to everyone within ear shot.
  4. If you have something  (i.e. a funny story, or last night's Survivor episode ending) you want to share with several folks, SEND THEM ALL AN EMAIL!  I do not want to hear it the first time you tell it, much less the 23rd time.
  5. Unless we are good friends, do not, I repeat, DO NOT comment on my phone conversations. If I want your opinion, I will ask.
  6. If you have an office, and are on the phone with your broker, banker, or a personal phone call, please close your door. I am a poor working woman, and I have no desire hearing you talk about your cabin in the mountains, your condo on the beach or the new porche you bought.
  7. Do not brag about how much free time you had to surf the net today, especially while I am trying to work.
  8. If you snore, do not nap. I will not call you to wake you up.
  9. And last but not least - please - if you have a cold, go to the restroom to blow your nose.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The State of Things

Taking a step back to look at life as a whole, I paused. Contemplating the value of things... what was once deemed as a necessity of life, now seems a luxury. What can one sacrifice to make life simpler once again. I work, to maintain. While others are content to get by, I want more than only existence. 
I know many people who draw disability - not because of injury or illness - but just to keep from having to work. Certain ones are not physically or mentally unable  - they just chose to manipulate the system. And - that angers me. They get by - and that tis all they care to do. The get assistance from the government in every way possible. Disability, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. I am not saying that all who draw are not deserving - but in my opinion if one person does without a real need - its one too many. The assistance was not set up to enable people to get by without working simply because they choose not to. It was set up to assist those in real need. 
Case in point: I personally know one woman who draws a check because of her nerves. 'She can not stand having someone yell at her'  Excuse me - I do not feel like that is a reason to draw a check. She is perfectly able to clean houses for people for cash..... that way she does not have to  turn it in and risk loosing her check. This same woman gets more in food stamps than I can budget for groceries and I work 40 hours a week, every week. 
Another person I know draws a check because he is an alcoholic. Understandable? Sure. But - after his check started he stopped drinking, bought a truck and sleeps in everyday until he wake up. No need to set a clock - he does not have to be anywhere at any certain time. Did his check stop and he get a job? No.  He also does 'cash jobs' when he needs extra money. I know of one woman who has 4 children by 4 different men. When child services took the first child away due to neglect, and her assistance was stopped, did she get a job and attempt to get her life in order? No. She had another child. That was her answer. The government paid for all four of her children. None of which she has now. All have either been adopted or are in foster care. She is now working and paying child support. It was court mandated.  It was either get a job and pay - or go to jail.  My list could go on and on - but my temper can not. I resent the fact that my elected officials allow this to happen, over and over, in every city, town and state of this nation. At one point in my life I was raising my son alone.... and instead of applying for food stamps or assistance from the government, my answer was to get another job. At one period I worked 2 jobs Monday through Friday, and I worked weekends at my third job. I was allowed to take my son with me on 2 of these. ( One was cleaning the shop where I worked my regular 40 hours, the other was selling t-shirts at ball games, harvest fairs etc.) What has happened to the morality of people today? Is it me or does it seem more and more folks want to take all the government  or anyone else will give? My mother used to tell us we were not owed a living - we had to earn our keep. But today, it seems more and more are getting money for doing nothing. Can there really be that many folks today that are so lazy  (or as my Mother used to say 'just sorry') that they won't work. How can things be this wrong? How can certain people be rewarded for being liars and cheats?  Somehow.... I do not think our founding fathers meant for it to be like this. But, I can not figure out where we went wrong. Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Going, Going, Gone GREEN

We went 'green' long before it was the popular thing to do. Not only to protect the environment, but because it saves money. In today's economy, every dime helps. For many years we have been recycling. Friends have commented and teased about how much 'trouble' we go through. And folks will ask 'is it OK to throw this in the garbage can?' The answer - more times than not is No.

We have a trash can for aluminum cans, which we squash before putting them in there. A trash can for tin cans, which we rinse and remove the labels before throwing in. ( Recycling does not mean you have to live with ants and bugs. ) We have a bin for plastics, a bin for clear glass and a bin for colored glass. We also have a box we use to hold the pasteboard boxes that cereal and many packaged products come in, as well as a box to hold newspapers and other types of paper. 
We feed the outside dogs some of the leftovers, but coffee grounds, vegetable peelings and the like either are composted or go down the disposal. So, the only things that go in the trash.... is well... trash.
Living in the county, we do not have trash pick up, so my husband goes to the dump. With our recycling, he has to go less often. Which, saves gas, and in turn, saves money.

90% of our bills come via email. The few that do not, have not yet committed to provide this type of billing... yet. I pay our bills through the bank provided 'bill pay' over the net, or through secure sites.  This saves money for gas and stamps.

We use energy efficient light bulbs. The are a little more expensive that the regular light bulbs, but they use less energy and last 10 times longer. So, there is real savings using them. 

We reuse the thin plastic bags most  supermarkets provide. We line small waste baskets, as well as return them to the stores for recycling.

I bought a fuel efficient car (average 35 mpg on my Toyota Corolla). My daily commute is 72 miles - 36 each way. When looking for a new car, I did the research and the math. When gas was averaging between $3-$4 per gallon I was driving a mini van that was getting 20 mpg. Since 2007 I have cut my fuel consumption in half. And with the recent decrease in fuel prices the money I save on gas each year makes 3 car payments a year. 

Brown bagging lunches saves gas and money. I cook almost every night. Rare are the times we go out to eat. My husband must eat a low or no fat diet due to his extremely high triglycerides. Few restaurants offer the healthy choices he requires. So I cook. I enjoy cooking. Its not only good food - but its good for us. Eating healthy is not cheap.... but - cooking and carrying leftovers help offset the price. Spending roughly $120 per week sounds like a lot of money for 2 adults. ( that is not counting the money we spend on pet food but it does include health and beauty aides ).... but when you consider it equals 21 meals a week per person it averages out to less that $3 per meal. Thats a bargain anywhere! And - we have a lot of folks that stop by and fix a plate to eat while they are hear. Its just how and what you prepare. No one has ever left our home hungry.

Every dime we save adds up. It seems like everyone is trying to cut back and save now. We do live on a tight budget, especially since my husband is now unemployed. We are a one income family, and with all our extra efforts we manage to get by. We are making it.... which is more than I can say for some. 

One other thing I am proud of. When we can.... we give... be it through charitable donations, time  or simply food  we try. We consider ourselves lucky..... and try to remain positive during these tough times.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Queen Wave

Have you ever noticed the wave the British Royal's use? Fingers together, wrist rotating. Uniquely their own. Years ago I adopted this wave.... quite for fun.

Some friends understood this wave.... I was the "Queen B". All, including myself poked fun at my 'royal position'.
There were many acquaintances that didn't 'get it' . Thus making my queen wave all the more amusing to my clique. 

Years passed and I continued to use this wave, to test new acquaintances... to see just how 'with the program' they were. Or at least to see if we were on the same 'wave length'.

It took about 2.5 years at my present job for a few to catch on. (And some are still oblivious!)
Gone are the days when my friends and I would burst into laughter when I waved.... Now I get looks of daze and confusion, or at the very least, go unnoticed as unique. Could it be a generation gap - or is it I am more misunderstood? Personally I want to believe its the latter.... but then again, I am older..... if not more mature.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

NASCAR Suspends Jeremy Mayfield

I shed no tears for NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield.

In my profile I made it clear that I am a NASCAR fan. John and I have a goal to visit each and every track.  Together we have been to Martinsville (VA) in 2008, and in 2009 we went to Bristol (TN). Separately, I have been to Daytona and Talledega, and John has been to Talledega and Atlanta..... we plan to go to those tracks together - but they others we will try to visit first.  

Last night's race in Darlington (SC) was somewhat over shadowed by the news that a driver and 2 crew members were suspended for failing the drug test. Here is my personal take on this: 

The banned drug that was found was not released.... but none the less - if it is banned - it is banned. And NASCAR has a reason for the ban.  When I started my job, there was a required drug test, as well as random drug tests given periodically. If you want to keep your job the answer is - don't do drugs. Jeremy knew there were drug tests.... and having a dream job like he did - he should have made sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would  pass.  When drug tests are given, a person is asked what type of prescriptions are being taken. After all - if it is prescribed by a doctor - its OK.

Rumors are running rampant on the web about the type of drug that was in his system.... 
'He mixed over the counter medication with prescriptions' , 'He had pain killers in his system' etc. All is simply speculation. The only fact that remains clear is that he failed the drug test and banned substances were found. Was he unaware of what substances are banned? I think not. He knew going in what he was taking... and if he had taken an allergy over the counter med along with a prescribed medication.... he should have said so when the test was given. Plain and simple.

Lives are at stake here. Not just his - but other drivers, crew members, media and fans. These guys are driving a car that weights 3400+ pounds ( Thats with all the fluids and a 200 pound driver ) and races (depending on the track) at nearly 200 mph. Would you want to fly in an airplane being piloted by someone who failed a drug test? I think not. I commend NASCAR on this suspension. In my book - they are the model other sports should adhere to. 

Why risk the dream.... the life.... this season - his average finish was 36th in 5 starts. His earning? $568,888. No small chunk of change. And.... I do hope for his fans benefit - that it was the combination of an over the counter medication and prescription medication that resulted in a failed test..... and not one of the many other illegal drugs that are plaguing our nation. But - a failed test IS a FAILED test.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

As you all know,  its Mother's Day tomorrow. 

I wish that my Mother was still alive so that I could give her a hug and wish her a Happy Mother's Day....

Being a Mother myself, I know just how much that means, My son, Billy lives about 4 hours away, in North Carolina. We speak quiet often, but our visits are far between. My job, my life here in Rome keeps me close by most of the time. His gives him the same fate.

This weekend, my husband John, is sitting with his parents. His father is bed ridden and needs assistance doing the tasks so many of us take for granted. In order for the regular 'sitter' or 'care giver' to be with her family on Mother's Day, John agreed to help/ He will also be with his Mother this weekend.

Sure, I will go for a visit and spend some time with them - but I will also spend the majority of my day alone. Do not misunderstand - its not that I do not enjoy some alone time on occasions. It gives me time to think, reflect, and blog.

I am sure  that all of you that have lost your Mother, or Momma, as I affectionally called mine, will at sometime this weekend stop, pause , and think of her.

I can not say that I was in any way a perfect daughter. ( Nor can I say I was perfect at Motherhood by the same token. ) There are many things I wish that I had said, or done and yes, said or done differently..... But what I wish most, especially on days like today was simply one more chance to say "I love you Momma".

Having been only 18 years old when she passed away,  (and am now the ripe age of 47) I have spent more of my life without her than with her. Time has not diminished the affection, nor the regrets.

So- if there is some chance that she is looking over me - I love you and miss you Momma. I hope I have made you proud.

For those of you who still have your Mother - no matter how aggravated or upset she makes you - remember - you won't have her forever, so every chance you have - tell her that you love her. Once she is gone - you won't get another chance. And..... unless you enjoy living with regrets..... visit her.

Gifts, flowers and cards are nice..... but time spent together is more precious.


Or should it be said 'working the NET'? According to
noun - 
  • a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having common interest.
  • the design, establishment, or utilization of a computer network.
That's close - but not exactly what I am referring...... there is Social Networking, Political Networking , Company Networking which are verbs..... i.e. to cultivate people who can be helpful to one (socially  politically or within a work environment) in reaching goals or to move forward to a higher position. 

What I am referring to is more like the verb..... except I suppose I am working the net, or blog networking  to reach the goal of more 'hits' or visits to my blog. Originally, I had really no concern how many read or viewed my blog.... outside the few close friends...... but now... as I review the comments ( or lack there of ) I want to increase my visits...... reach a broader group who are actually interested in my muses or rambles.....

I  am not sure what approach to take to reach this objective - so I am open to suggestions.... and - if you happen upon this blog, and find it somewhat interesting, please feel free to let me know..... 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To Sandra....

I have contemplated long and hard before beginning this post - taken notes, looked up definitions, and consulted my trusty Thesaurus. I have attempted a poem - to which I came up short. I am still hesitant as I type...... uncertain I will be able to convey my true feelings. This is my attempt to pay tribute to a dear friend - my sister in law Sandra.

The words that come to mind most often, when I think of Sandra is devotion, gratitude, respect, admiration, envy and love. And this is only naming a few. 

I would like to begin with a brief history of Sandra's life as well as the words that come to mind as I ponder those times.

When Sandra was 17, her beloved, Robbie, was sent to Vietnam. They chose no commitment, made no promises, to protect themselves, if the worse happened. While he was away, she remained DEVOTED, she knew that he was the one man whom she was meant to share her life with - and she was willing to wait for his return. (That alone says a lot about her character - how many 17 year old girls today can remain that devoted?) After his safe return, the wed and had 2 children. A daughter, Melissa, and a son, Shea.
In 1989, when she was 38 years old, her son of 14 years was killed in an accident.  I can not imagine the STRENGTH she has had all these years.... let alone the strength it took to make it through the days immediately following.
In 1994, when she was 43 years old, a tornado came through and totally destroyed the home she and Robbie had worked so long and hard for. Luckily, no one was hurt - but everything  - EVERYTHING was lost.
Not long after that, I met Sandra for the first time at the home of her parents.  Believe me when I say - the first time we met - I knew she was a very strong person - but I was also scared to death! The old saying "if looks could kill" was the type of look I received. But - you must understand - there  was a case of mistaken identity on her part. She thought that I was a friend of someone else..... one of those 'undesirable' friends..... not a friend of her brother's. Needless to say - at the time - I made a hasty retreat out the front door, and knew I never wanted any sort of confrontation with her.
In 1999, when she was 48 years old, Sandra was blessed with a grandson, Russell. The glimmer in her eyes when she speaks of or sees him says it all. 
In 2008, she was diagnosed with cancer. She has faced surgery and chemo with COURAGE, and always optimistic. She is winning the battle - and although feels rough at times, she continues to take her mother to the doctor, buy their groceries, tend to the wants and needs they require. She never asks for thanks - she does it out of respect...... 
I ENVY her positive outlook, ADMIRE all the things she does and will continue to do, am GRATEFUL for all she has done for me - whether it be help in some way, or simply a shoulder to cry on. And  yes, I do love my friend Sandra.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And Then There Were 5...

If you have read my previous blog you have noticed that I have a female American White Shepherd, named Beth. You have also learned how I came about having her. But - if you have chanced across my profile, you have should have noticed that we own 5 dogs. And its time for you to meet them all. I have them listed in the photo in the order we rescued them. Beth, whose story has been previously written. 
Buddy, is another American White Shepherd. When we rescued him he weight 68 pounds, near starvation, he had been shot (possibly by a home owner as he was searching through the trash for food) and he was heart worm positive. Now he weights 125 pounds, heart worm free, and the biggest plaything you will happen across in our yard.
Odie came next. When I asked our vet what breed he was, his response was "What type of dog do you want, cause he's part everything". John found him on the side of the road in the pouring down rain and he was barely a hand full. He had sarcoptic mange. (Sarcoptic mange is the name for the skin disease caused by infection with the Sarcoptes scabei mite. Mites are not insects; instead they are more closely related to spiders. And are extremely itchy.... and contagious to humans! Yep - my usband caught it too!) Now he is cured and very loving and affectionate.
Roo (because she bounces like a Kangaroo!!!).... someone had dumped her off.... and John and my son Billy had to bring her in..... after all it was cold and she was shivering. Needless to say, we fell in love and here she stays. We thought we had the most fetching dog around..... that is.... until we breed her with a friends Min Pin and Snoopy was born. He was the only one in the litter that was black brown and white...... and we did not think we could find a good home for him..... so here he is! Now HE is the fetching dog... balls, frisbee's - you name it he will catch it.....

Thats it. ( I think that is enough don't you?) We love them all.... and sometimes John and I think we can save them all...... and you can tell by the picture... we sure have tried!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Morning Solitude

Sunday Mornings are always my favorite part of the week..... rise early and spend the quiet time reflecting on the week past, and preparing for the week ahead. John is still sleeping and its just me with my coffee, and Beth my constant companion. For those of you that are now aware, Beth is my 10 year old American White Shepherd. She is perfectly content just being near me..... and I am contented by her presence. My son used to tell me that I loved her more than him..... not true - but she does run a close second. She never complains about what I am preparing for dinner, she is always glad to see me, and If I want her to go somewhere with me - she is always ready. She never misbehaves - if - on rare occasions she did something she should not have - she was not to blame.... after all - if she got into the trash - its my fault for leaving it out where she had access (and in the  nine and a half years that has only happened a few times).  
I got her when she was 6 months old.... a choice I have never regretted. She  and I bonded quickly... I rescued her, just as she rescued me. She had belonged to a family that had gone through a divorce, and the gentleman simply could not care for her as she needed. She had to be crated for 12 hours a day. He had come to the decision that she needed more interaction and attention, and had given her to a breeder. She did not  adapt well with the breeder - would not eat, and was not happy. The breeder decided if the original owner could not find her papers she was of no use to them. A friend suggested I give him a call ( although we  were under the impression it was too late - she had been given away). I called - even though I felt the likelihood of getting her was  zero. He explained that she was registered but he could not find her papers, and that without those the breeder she had been given to did not want her. I explained that I did not care about the papers.... I did not want her to breed.... I wanted her to love. And the rest is history. 
As I face the facts that she is getting older, and all to quickly reaching the 'average expected life span' I cherish our times even more....... no way to tell how much longer we have together, so instead of worrying about tomorrow, I enjoy today. Everyone should be so lucky. She has taught me a great deal about life, love and devotion.....
If you are wondering where all this is leading, I will finally make my point. I love my Sunday morning solitude, with Beth at my side..... I am never alone.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Widgets, Gadgets, Digits, Pageants

Now I am really confused! 
I was just starting to think I was getting a handle on this blog stuff..... really liking the direction this blog was heading...... then what do I do? Visit other blogs! And see things and think 'Wow - that is really cool - I want that!" On my Mac - you can add widgets, cute little things that are easily downloaded and installed (LOTS of free ones ) which although take up space and memory, are cute and somewhat entertaining. On the blogs, you can add all sorts of gadgets - there are THOUSANDS to choose from...... and finding one I can be pleased with is a chore! Games, trackers, polls, words or pictures of the day! 
After spending a great amount of my morning looking through all these I opted for the old elementary school 'Comma' rule..... "When in doubt - leave it out." 
I have a better chance winning the lottery, or a beauty pageant that becoming an expert on blogs!  As you can see from my profile photo - 'it ain't happening' I simply know what I like and I have chosen the simple route to begin with.... thus I hope you will bear with me through my trials and errors.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Blogging and iPodding

Ten - no -4 years ago, I never imagined I would be blogging regularly, much less, feeling like my iPod is a necessity! (I honestly feel as it I have to have it on everyday. My iPod goes on just after my jewelry!!!) Its an accessory I chose not to go without! Here is my take on why I have become engulfed ( or is infatuated a better term) with these new (to me) gadgets:

  • I have always considered myself slightly above average intelligence. No rocket scientist by any means but no idiot either. And I am more than willing to experiment with new things - and IF i can not figure it all out, I have friends (Thanks Spongebob) and family (Thanks Brother Bob) who are more than willing to offer assistance!
  • I never imagined than anyone would be interested in reading my opinions and thoughts..... because quiet frankly I consider myself quiet dull.
  • While still a novice - its fun! I LOVE reading the comments as to opinions and suggestions - all are read and considered carefully!

  • Thanks to my husband and my sister-in-law Sandra ( she is actually much more - trusted friend, confidant, family - the list could go on and on - as a matter of fact she deserves a blog post all to herself! Note to self: Sandra post!) I am the proud owner of an iPod shuffle. Its nearly 3 years old and I absolutely LOVE it! 
  • The clip keeps it secure - it holds about 240 songs! I have never completely filled it because the 150+ songs that are on there are plenty! I can listen all day at work and only hear the same song again IF I CHOOSE TO!!!!
  • Even when its not on if I wear the ear buds and bounce my head - PEOPLE TEND to LEAVE ME ALONE!!! They think its on and disturb someone else! These same folks do not mind interrupting  when I am on the phone.... but let me be 'into the music' and they move on to someone else  (who is also working)!!!
  • Its a great way to eaves drop! (see - search eaves podding.... you may be surprised!)
So - the point I have to make with this post? If you are NOT blogging - do so, and if you are NOT iPodding - you do not know what you are missing!