Sunday Mornings are always my favorite part of the week..... rise early and spend the quiet time reflecting on the week past, and preparing for the week ahead. John is still sleeping and its just me with my coffee, and Beth my constant companion. For those of you that are now aware, Beth is my 10 year old American White Shepherd. She is perfectly content just being near me..... and I am contented by her presence. My son used to tell me that I loved her more than him..... not true - but she does run a close second. She never complains about what I am preparing for dinner, she is always glad to see me, and If I want her to go somewhere with me - she is always ready. She never misbehaves - if - on rare occasions she did something she should not have - she was not to blame.... after all - if she got into the trash - its my fault for leaving it out where she had access (and in the nine and a half years that has only happened a few times).
I got her when she was 6 months old.... a choice I have never regretted. She and I bonded quickly... I rescued her, just as she rescued me. She had belonged to a family that had gone through a divorce, and the gentleman simply could not care for her as she needed. She had to be crated for 12 hours a day. He had come to the decision that she needed more interaction and attention, and had given her to a breeder. She did not adapt well with the breeder - would not eat, and was not happy. The breeder decided if the original owner could not find her papers she was of no use to them. A friend suggested I give him a call ( although we were under the impression it was too late - she had been given away). I called - even though I felt the likelihood of getting her was zero. He explained that she was registered but he could not find her papers, and that without those the breeder she had been given to did not want her. I explained that I did not care about the papers.... I did not want her to breed.... I wanted her to love. And the rest is history.
As I face the facts that she is getting older, and all to quickly reaching the 'average expected life span' I cherish our times even more....... no way to tell how much longer we have together, so instead of worrying about tomorrow, I enjoy today. Everyone should be so lucky. She has taught me a great deal about life, love and devotion.....
If you are wondering where all this is leading, I will finally make my point. I love my Sunday morning solitude, with Beth at my side..... I am never alone.
Sounds heavenly. Such a beautiful dog!