If you have read my previous blog you have noticed that I have a female American White Shepherd, named Beth. You have also learned how I came about having her. But - if you have chanced across my profile, you have should have noticed that we own 5 dogs. And its time for you to meet them all. I have them listed in the photo in the order we rescued them. Beth, whose story has been previously written.
Buddy, is another American White Shepherd. When we rescued him he weight 68 pounds, near starvation, he had been shot (possibly by a home owner as he was searching through the trash for food) and he was heart worm positive. Now he weights 125 pounds, heart worm free, and the biggest plaything you will happen across in our yard.
Odie came next. When I asked our vet what breed he was, his response was "What type of dog do you want, cause he's part everything". John found him on the side of the road in the pouring down rain and he was barely a hand full. He had sarcoptic mange. (Sarcoptic mange is the name for the skin disease caused by infection with the Sarcoptes scabei mite. Mites are not insects; instead they are more closely related to spiders. And are extremely itchy.... and contagious to humans! Yep - my usband caught it too!) Now he is cured and very loving and affectionate.
Roo (because she bounces like a Kangaroo!!!).... someone had dumped her off.... and John and my son Billy had to bring her in..... after all it was cold and she was shivering. Needless to say, we fell in love and here she stays. We thought we had the most fetching dog around..... that is.... until we breed her with a friends Min Pin and Snoopy was born. He was the only one in the litter that was black brown and white...... and we did not think we could find a good home for him..... so here he is! Now HE is the fetching dog... balls, frisbee's - you name it he will catch it.....
Thats it. ( I think that is enough don't you?) We love them all.... and sometimes John and I think we can save them all...... and you can tell by the picture... we sure have tried!
Oh my gosh! They're all so adorable!! It's so great that you've been able to save as many as you have. I have found that rescued pets are a breed of their own. They seem to appreciate a good home so much more, and there's such a deep connection between pets and family. :o)