- Catch lightning bugs and put them in a jar
- Play with June Bugs - tie a string around one leg and watch it fly?
- Set the table for supper - or even sit at the table as a family for supper
- Have chores to do and DO them ( because there were consequences if you didn't)
- Play outside til after dark - or until Momma yells "SUPPER"
- Think that sodas are a special treat
- Go to the super market and behave ( not so they will get a treat, but in fear of what they will get if they did not behave)
- Know that eating out is a luxury, and treat it as such
- Have a cooked breakfast at home every morning
- Say yes Ma'am and no Ma'am, yes Sir or no Sir
- Beg to get to 'help' in the yard or in the kitchen
- Ride their bike 2 blocks away to play with a friend
- Play outside all day with a friend and only their imaginations
- Go barefoot
- Dig for worms for a fishing trip with Dad
- Do what they are told the first time
- Do not back talk for fear of what it will get them
- Sit on the porch and snap beans for supper with their Mom, Grand Mom or Aunt
- Play for hours with the new refrigerator card board box
- Walk to the store - as a treat
- Know what its like to sit at the 'kid's table at family gatherings
- Hate the rain because they have to stay inside
This list could go on and on. Is it me, are am I now dreaming of the 'good old days' that I used to hearing stories about?
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