Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Guess you have noticed - I have sort of taken a vacation from blogging. Just was not sure if my efforts were worth wild. Trying to come up with a theme to blog about rather than my personal views and muse.... so far - nothing has come to mind. 

I am,  however on vacation from work. No trips were planned - no extra money. Alas - I must be content with simply staying home. Sure  - we have plans to do a few things... going to the lake, going fishing... and there is a chance we will go visit some friends in South Georgia for a few days.... if so it will be a spur of the moment trip.... which is usually the best kind.

I had an unexpected guest this morning. I had appealed our property tax assessment due to the hovel like conditions that are across the street. (another topic of another post). The guest was from the tax assessors office taking a more detailed look at our property! Thus possibly increasing OUR property taxes! All because I chose to complain about the filth and disgust that we have been staring at for almost 2 years! Personally I am appalled by my county's actions and am anxiously awaiting the letter from them confirming or denying my appeal.

I will - make every attempt to 'keep you posted'

1 comment:

  1. "my efforts were worth wild".....how wild are you?
    I'm not sure being worth wild is worthwhile. :)
