Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Goodies

Here are a few pictures of Snoopy and Lulu with their Christmas goodies.

This is one of Snoopy's sweaters.

Lulu with her big bone, as well as a toy. I think she is being a little protective of her gifts. Guess she wants to make sure Snoopy does not get them.

I guess all she really cares about is her big bone!!!

Snoopy and his squeaky snowman.

Tired little 'Oppy man'! Played hard all day!

Hope every one had a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

You Grow Girl!

Lulu went to the vet last saturday for a check up and she now weights 88 pounds! In July, she weighed 75 pounds. She will not be considered full grown until she is 2 years old... which will be in April.

Taking bets on what she will weigh then! Any takers?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lulu's Visit with Santa

Lu had her visit with Santa today. I wonder what she asked him for?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for...

There are many things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving Eve. Friends, family, loved ones. Good health, happiness, but most of all - the unconditional love I get from my puppies.

Lulu went to the groomers yesterday, so she would smell sweet and clean when guests arrive. A little grumpy afterwards, but it did not last for long. She has been my constant companion this week while I have been on vacation. And now, as Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, I reflect on the things that I am thankful for.

Lulu shows me daily how much she loves me, and wants to be near me. She came along, just at the right time for me. She has not replaced my wonderful Beth, but she fills the void in my heart. And, amazingly enough, she has found her own place in my heart as well. A place that belongs only to her. Her uniqueness, her funny disposition..... and her whimsical ways. I could not ask for a better friend.

I have been blessed in many ways - for that - there is no question. I was empty and lost after Beth passed away. Lulu, is helping me find my way.... and walking beside me each step of the way. Just as I saved her - she in turn, has saved me. And for that - I am truly thankful.

I hope each and every one of you, that happens across this blog, has a wonderful Thanksgiving. And remember, take time to reflect, and give thanks for all the little things you have.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Desperately Searching

I apologize for not posting in quiet sometime - but, life with 5 dogs can get hectic. Especially when you get home at 6 pm. Now that Daylight Savings Time has ended, it gets dark within 30 minutes of my arrival home.

Lulu needs a daily brisk walk, but, for safety reasons (hers and mine) its difficult to walk her since the time change. My husband, John, does not want us walking through our neighborhood, due to the lack of sidewalks, as well as the abundance of riff raft close by.

The lake I usually walk her around, does not have lights, and, well, its kind of creepy after dark. I suppose that is why there are signs posted that state it is closed at dark.

John suggested the mall.... but during the rapidly approaching holidays, I fear the crime rate will increase dramatically.

The search has begun to find a well lit, dog friendly place close by. What I want - is a dog park that offers walks inside and out - but - alas Rome, GA does not offer such a place.

Hopefully I will find one - and keep you 'posted'.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Groomed Great Pyrenees

Lulu went for her first visit ( that I know of ) to the Groomer on Saturday. Below are a few pictures of how she looked after coming home. The 'little guy' in the pictures is her best friend Oopy. For the costs involved versus me bathing her, its WELL worth the money!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Guardian Angel

She is my Guardian, and she is my angel.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Goodbye fleas!

I know its been a while since my last post - but - I spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days! The 4th batch of dog biscuits are in the oven! Two last weekend, and two more this weekend.

Here are the results I have so far:

First and foremost - the dogs LOVE them! Even if they did not repel fleas - as many treats as we go through (5 dogs, remember!) Its beneficial for me to make them. Not to mention the fact that I know what is in them. All natural, and no fillers or preservatives. And they are fresh. Ever bought dog biscuits that are old? Trust me - its not a pretty sight. Our inside dogs, Lulu and Snoopy get one when they come inside. And average of 3-4 in a 24 hour period. They sometimes go out just to come back in, thinking I will give them another! They fooled me once or twice, but I have caught on to their tricks!

Second, I have noticed a reduction in the fleas. Now, keep in mind, I can not guarantee that the biscuits are the cause in reduction. After all, I treated the house, the yard and the dogs, as well as began the dog biscuits. Not to mention the fact that Autumn is here. But, they are greatly reduced, and they are healthy treats. Its a win win situation.

Besides, folks who know me, know that the kitchen is my haven, and I enjoy fixing great tasting, healthy dishes. I personally can not vouch for the taste, but if the way my dogs act is any indication, they must be.

Also, want to give an update about Lulu. After 8 weeks here, she has fit in wonderfully! She is so fun to watch! Warning - there will be a new video soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Not sure about the rest of you, but in the last few weeks the fleas have gotten terrible! We have used an organic flea dip, treated the yard , bathed ( with Adam's Flea Shampoo) sprayed (again with Adam's - seems to work best), treated the house, and bombed. Although we are not (yet) infested, there is a problem. I also purchased Adam's Flea collars. I have even placed white plates of soapy water with a light next to it. Amazingly - the fleas jump onto the plate and the soapy water weights them down and they drown! I have heard that 20 Mule Team borax, or table salt, sprinkled over the floors, allowed to sit 20 minutes, then vacuumed helps. I have searched the internet, and discovered a couple of recipes for 'Flea Terminator Dog Treats', which I will share. I can not vouch for its effectiveness, but - if you are like me you will try anything! I am hoping this works - simply because its all natural, and I feel pesticides can have adverse effects. Poor old puppies are irritated by the fleas, then covered in the pesticides, which make the fleas extremely active before they die, which makes the dogs even more uncomfortable. Here is the recipe:

Flea Terminator Dog Treats
3 cubes beef bouillon
1 1/2 cups boiling water
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup cornmeal
2/3 cup brewers' yeast
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 egg yolks

Preheat oven to 375º F. Dissolve beef bouillon cubes in boiling water, and set aside, Grease cookie sheet.

In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, corn meal, brewers' yeast and garlic powder. Add the yolks, then gradually pour in the bouillon water while stirring. Mix thoroughly to form a firm dough. On a floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness, Cut in desired shapes using cookie cutters. Place cookies 1 inch apart onto greased cookie sheet. Bake 20 minutes, in preheated oven. After baking time , turn the oven off and allow cookies to sit inside for at least 3 hours or overnight to harden. Store in airtight container at room temperature.

I have also read in several places, that brewers' yeast is a natural anti-flea remedy. 1 teaspoon per 30 pounds of body weight, daily can provide the B complex vitamins a dog needs. ( wonder if a B complex vitamin supplement would work as well....)

Garlic, is also a known repellant. Careful with this though - as it can be toxic to dogs. Typically, the problem is with large quantities, not 'seasoning portions'. Ask your vet for if it is appropriate to use garlic for fleas for your pet. WHEN IN DOUBT - leave it out!!!

If anyone has a tried and true natural method they would like to share, please let me know. I will be happy to post, as well as give credit where credit it do!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor (Day) of Love

Many people are astonished when they hear we have 5 dogs. And even more astonished when they hear that we have 2 living inside - not to mention the fact that one is a Great Pyrenees. Questions I hear most often are:
  1. How much dog food do you use a week? This varies with the seasons. In the Summer we use less, because they eat less due to the Georgia heat - but it averages out to about 50 pounds a week.
  2. How often do you have to clean up poo? This too varies with the season, but I have found that many feed stores have foods that when converted to waste, will compost rapidly. But - as a general rule once or twice a week with the pooper scooper is plenty.
  3. How can you afford so many dogs? This is a question I ask myself many times! We are lucky that our vet offers a multi pet discount, and we take advantage of the local Rabies clinics. And, we sacrifice things for our animals.
  4. How do you control fleas and all the pet hair? This is an ongoing battle, but as with everything in life you take the good with the bad. We treat the yard, animals and house (if those pesky fleas invade). But, lets face it - even if there was only one, we would still have to do the same. And for the pet hair - a daily sweeping or vacuuming tends to be enough. The Great Pyrenees, Lulu, will only shed heavily once a year, and we have not had her long enough to experience that. But, brushing helps.
  5. What do you do with them when you go out of town? Simple. We have a sitter. Way too many to board in a kennel - besides, I prefer them to stay in their own comfortable surroundings.

All these things are done without remorse. My feelings are we receive more than we give. They are our guardians, our friends and our companions. We owe it to them to prove ourselves worthy of their devotion.

On long weekends, like this one, its all the more special. I have time to do my regular weekend duties, and still have a whole day left. Thats one extra day I can devote my attention to them. Truly a Labor Day of love!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Self Cleaning Fur?!!!

Last night when I got home, John and I decided to dip all the dogs. I make the dip, and we proceeded. 5 dogs takes a while. We did Lulu first. when we finished soaking her thoroughly, we turned her loose. She went directly to the part of the yard that was just dirt...... and rolled..... and rolled.... and then rolled some more! white dog turned brown with mud!!!! Horrible. Was going to take a picture but had 4 more dogs to dip. I remarked to John 'I hope its true that Great Pyrenees have self cleaning fur - if not - Lulu sleeps outside tonight!"

Well - believe it or not - once she dried - the dirt simple combed out! Unbelievable!!!!!! AND she was so clean at bed time she was able to sleep with me! Next time - I will be prepared and have camera close by!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Therapy Dog Training Begins

Therapy Dog training with Lulu began on a recent visit to my in-laws, John and Virginia Bates. Mr. Bates, as you can see in the picture below, is confined to a hospital bed. Lulu was very quiet and allowed both meet and greet with her. They were amazed at well well she was behaved in a strange place, as was I.

She place her head on the edge of the bed and allowed Mr. Bates to pet and stroke her, which thrilled us both. The sound of the bed rising up and down ( which is a habit now for Mr. Bates, simply because that is about all he is able to do for himself ) puzzled her at first, but it did not frighten her in the slightest. Mrs. Bates was amazed at how comfortable Lulu was greeting them for the first time. Even if she does not become a Therapy Dog, she will visit her 'Maw Maw' and 'Paw Paw'. They love when one of their 'granddogs' comes for a visit. They were as excited to see her, and I was to show her off.

She gave me no trouble getting on and off the elevator, and enjoyed the attention she received from other residents. The live in an assisted care facility, and prior permission for Lulu's visit was not necessary. Once we have our certification, we will seek to brighten the days of many more of the elderly and bed ridden.

Just a few more steps I will need to test and or work on, before the test in September. Walking through a crowd, has yet to be tried, and every day we work on the 'wait' command, which involves her waiting in one place, while I walk away. She is a Momma's girl, and this one is taking time. She is fine with everyone, but when I leave, she wants to go with me.

Below is a photo I made of her while at the Bates'. She was fine to lie down and stay, until I left the apartment. then, instead of lying there waiting, she went to the door and sat there until my return. But - like I stated, we are working on it. Wish us luck!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When Big Dogs Get Bored

In Lulu's case - when she is bored, she chews on things. I try to keep her toys or rawhide chews to keep her occupied - but sometimes...... she chews on things she is not supposed to. 

I can not help but blame myself for leaving items in her reach - but after having Beth for so long - its hard to remember, Lulu is adjusting to us as well as we are to her. 

Day before yesterday she 'found' a cardboard box. It was in tiny pieces when I walked in from work. I scolded her and told her it was not acceptable. I THOUGHT that would be sufficient. I was wrong. 

I picked up anything that she had shown the slightest bit of interest in, and spend the remainder of the evening playing with her.

Then - I went in yesterday. She had taken the photo album of our Bristol race..... and chewed it into thousands (no exaggeration) of little tiny pieces. Sure - I have the pictures on my computer, and can easily reprint them.... and sure I was not 100% pleased with the album and wanted to redo it, but JOHN WAS. He had taken great care in arranging the photos in a specific order. He was very unhappy to say the least. I cleaned it up, and explained that they could be replaced. Thats when he informed me that until I could put away everything that she could chew, when we left for work, she had to go outside. 

When she attempted to come in the kitchen, John told her firmly to go lay down. It literally scared the 'pee' out of her.  She took off running! Thus, leading me to believe she has been punished before, perhaps even mistreated, prior to our adoption. This makes me even more determined to make her forget her past, and know we are devoted.

I obliged John this morning, and left her outside. I also left 'Oppy' out there with her. Perhaps his companionship will ease her.

I am asking for any and all suggestions on which is the best coarse of action. I intend to remove any and all temptation from her, as well as picking her up a monster raw hide bone... as well as rising earlier in the morning to allow time for a long walk. Or would a long walk in the evening be better? After all - that is when I have the most time. I know that she is bored - again - I watch way too much animal planet - or she would not be doing this. Is more exercise the key?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Spay and Neuter, Please

I took my Lulu to have her 'fixed' today. She is recovering nicely and resting. Has not had any appetite this evening, but thats going to take a little time. She was very weak when I brought her home - so I carried her inside. That was a funny sight I am sure. A 5'1" woman carrying a 72+ pound Great Pyrenees inside the house!!! John would have - but since he is just now out of the hospital I thought it would not be wise for him to attempt it.

Although it is a requirement to spay or neuter a pet adopted from Animal Control, I would have chosen to do so regardless. There are way too many pets surrendered , and as the economy worsens, so does the number of surrendered pets.

Please consider adoption from your local shelter, and if you find one elsewhere PLEASE spay or neuter. It can save a life!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Safe And Secure

I must first begin by explaining this is not the original post I had intended, but, my husband John is in the hospital again with Pancreatitis, so this will be brief.

I know Lulu has now settled into her place and knows she is safe and secure and home. Not only does she romp and play, but she fills the roll as my protector. Instead of running to the fence barking at the neighbor's hired lawn care folks, she stands at my side with a watchful eye.

When friends stop by, she is friendly and playful, but let someone we do not know, come to the door, and she barks, Fiercely. When we are in the front about to go for a stroll, she first must walk the perimeter of the yard, making sure there is no threats near. Her keen eyes notice and watch everyone who walks past. Not barking - just watching. Only until they cross her invisible boundary and into the yard will she bark.

Needless to say, even while John is in the hospital and I am home alone... with Lulu here, I also feel safe and secure.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Greatest Great Pyrenees

I can, in all honest, say that Lulu is the GREATEST Great Pyrenees I have ever known. Primarily, because she is the only one I have ever known. But, after researching the breed - I have discovered many fascinating qualities of the breed I wish to share.

  • The Great Pyrenees has single dewclaws on the front legs and double dewclaws on the hind legs. The long, feathered, plumed tail curves upward slightly at the tip and reaches at least to the hocks.
  • The Great Pyrenees is a capable and imposing guardian, devoted to its family, and somewhat wary of strangers - human or canine. They are often used to guard livestock. This trait shone daily in Lulu - she watches over our flock of animals, calmly, and quietly. Cautiously aware of all that is going on.
  • When not provoked, it is calm, well- mannered, and somewhat serious. Courageous, very loyal and obedient. Gentle and affectionate with those he loves. Lulu is extremely well behaved, loving and appears already devoted to us. And that's after only a weeks worth of love! Imagine how she will be in a few years!
  • Devoted to family even if self-sacrifice is required. It is very gentle with its family and children. It does best with children when it is raised with them from puppyhood. It has an independent nature, and may try to dominate a less secure or meek owner. Has been as gentle as a lamb when friends brought their somewhat difficult children. The patience she showed far out weighted my patience with these children.
  • Owners need to be firm, but calm, confident and consistent with the dog. Setting rules the dog must follow and sticking to them. A serious worker, but very independent. Be patient when training the Great Pyrenees, as it may be slightly difficult. She has tested her boundaries and understands what is acceptable and what is not. One simple 'uh-huh' firmly said is all it takes.
And - the best reason I have to say she is the GREATEST Great Pyrenees? Simply because she was a rescue from Animal control - She needed me - as much as I needed her. There is no doubt in my mind it was meant to be.

She has her appointment to be spayed on the 19th. Even if this was not a requirement of adoption through animal control, in my opinion it would be necessary. There are way too many puppies, kittens, cats and dogs being discarded. I urge anyone reading - if you are interested in getting a new forever friend - please check with your local animal control first. Even if you desire a particular breed. can search shelter near your zip code by breed, size - whatever you are looking for can be found.

Save a life. Adopt. Spay and Neuter. I am proof positive that the greatest pets - are rescued.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Making Of A Therapy Dog

I know this may sound crazy to some of you, especially since I have only had Lulu 1 week tomorrow - but I believe she has the makings of a Therapy Dog.

There are 11 requirements that must be met at testing. I believe, as smart as she is, with a little extra work I could have her ready by the next test scheduled in Georgia. Most are natural for her now. I know I have little time to devote - but if she and I could become certified, we could at the very least spend a couple of days a month visiting Nursing homes, assisted care facilities, and hospitals.

These are the requirements tested for: ( and how she fits the bill )

  1. Accepting A Friendly Stranger. That is a character of the Great Pyrenees breed.
  2. Sitting politely for petting. She has shone this to us with guests over and over again. Some times she gets a little excited , so this will require a little work - but I believe she can do it.
  3. Appearance and Grooming. (showing that the dog will welcome being groomed and examined by a stranger, as well as the care given by the owner) She loves being brushed and given attention to! Period. No matter who is doing it!
  4. Out For A Walk - or walking on a loose leash. Have already posted how remarkable she does this.
  5. Walking Through A Crowd. Will have to take her a few places that are more crowded to see how this situation is handled. But - at her size - I believe most folks will move for her.
  6. Sit and Down on Command. Thats a done deal. Its the Staying in place we will need to work on.
  7. Coming When Called. 99.9% of the time you don't even have to speak. Just look at her at motion for her to come.
  8. Reaction to Another Dog. She is a little wary of other dogs, but with socialization I believe we can work through this.
  9. Reaction To Distractions. Loud noises and interruptions are a given here - but will try taking her to a strange place and stage some loud noises - just to see how she reacts. If she does not react well - that one will be tough to change.
  10. Supervised Separation. Heck - she has not been around us long - so I have not had the time to judge this. We are still giving her time to adjust to us.
  11. Say Hello. She is awesome at saying hello. She comes and if you are seated, she will place that beautiful head on your knee and look soulfully in your eyes.
The next test in Georgia will be in Athens on September 18th - which may be to soon to actually test - but its a goal I can work towards. If we are not ready we will be by the following test. What do you think? Am I putting too much faith in her and myself?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Puppies At Play

This movie, although not excellent quality, shows how my Lulu is adapting to life as a Bates.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Delilah, Day Two

She seems to be adapting well. She and Oopy get along well most of the time. We have had one or two minor 'growlings' when John and I were eating. 'Lulu' as we call her now - she responds best to that, growled and snap at Oopy, for being close to us while we were eating. To solve that, thanks to Victoria Stillwell, we placed her in another room, until the aggressive behavior ceased.

I also took her for a long walk today at the lake. She was so very well behaved it was if she has been trained! I guess I watch way to much 'Its Me Or The Dog' on Animal Planet! Any time I thought she was going to lose focus I regained her attention with an 'uh huh'. The only problem I can see - is when I ask if she wants to 'go outside' is now she stops at the car waiting on me to open the door. Go must mean go for a ride.

Its still going to take a while for her to become comfortable.... she seems to be having a great time.... but she seems also like she doesn't know how long its going to last.

Love, direction, and reassurance is the only way. I hope she relaxes enough to realize she has found her forever home.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey There Delilah!

Meet Delilah! Rescued from the Gordon County Animal Control On Friday, July 31st. She is 15 months old and a Great Pyrenees (mix? does not look mixed - but who am I to say) She is very skittish right now. But follows me like a shadow. Wants to be touching me..... and I am not going to complain about that! It will take her a few days to feel comfortable, so I guess that is why she is sticking so close. And yes - I LOVE IT!!!!

She has met Oopy - and she is scared of him. He is so excited he can not calm down enough to meet her properly. Once Papa gets home we will give them a proper introduction. Also, going to introduce her to the dogs outside once he arrives as well. Do not want to make her any more nervous than she already is.

She seems really smart too. I grabbed the brush and she started moving her head underneath it. Sits on command - most of the time.

Will have her fixed soon - but only after she feels safe and secure here with us. Don't want her to think she is being shuffled somewhere else so soon after coming home.

I think it was meant for me to save her.... Beth was so sweet.... and loved me so faithfully til the end..... she would want me to share my love with another. To fill the void that was left. Why else would Delilah come into my life right now.... the way she did? I will still shed my tears for Beth - and miss her.... but I have a new baby girl to hold and love and have the companionship I need.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today is nearly over. I am thankful for that. Its been one of the worst days I have experienced in a long time. As you know, my faithful dog Beth passed away today. Its been really tough on me - but I am trying to focus on some of the lighter times.

Like the time I had 2 fillet mignon's marinating and stepped outside for a few minutes. John was inside. He noticed that the dogs had gotten quiet, so he ventured to see where they were. All parents know - when the kids are quiet - they are up to something. Just as he entered the kitchen he saw her licking the last of the butter off the rolls I was preparing to put in the oven. Those steaks must be in the fridge he thought. No. Not on the grill either. Then he noticed the splatter on the floor! She had eaten not one but two - $15.00 fillets! ( and that was several years ago - probably worth more than that now!) No real need to get mad at her about it - after all I left them on the countertop.

Or the times a new kitten would come into our lives. She loved babies. She would lick and cuddle them like she was their Mother.

I bet we replaced 5 sets of mini blinds when we moved into this house. She was not familiar with this place and when we left to go to work she did NOT want to be left here! John said if she tore one more blind up he was going to put the broken ones in her food bowl! She was just nervous - and did not understand this was now home - she thought we were leaving her for good - not for a few hours! It did not take long. She never did have blinds for dinner.

Many are the times when I said she was going to have a bath - did she go upstairs and hide. IN THE TUB! Just her nose would be sticking out behind the shower curtain. I always thought she was thinking 'Momma will never find me here!" It reached the point that is where I looked first.

John and I talked a lot about her this evening and I feel I have had a revelation. No matter how bad loosing her hurt - If I known all those years ago when I got her what I would be feeling today... I would still do it all over again. In a second. The joy, the fun, companionship and love we shared far out weights everything else. She was worth it. And - in time - I will be OK.

We will miss her terribly - but - she had a good life - and she made our lives better. I have no regrets.


July 1999- July 2009

Beth passed away last night in her sleep. She went peacefully. Will write more, when I can.

She live a long, good life. As I have stated many times before - she was my best friend. Totally devoted. As I was to her. And I will miss her.

After the tears dry, I will be able to focus on the good times. And take comfort that she went in peace here at home. For now - I seem to only be able to focus on the void I now have.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's A Dogs life

According to the saying "It's a dogs life" dates back to the 1600s and its meaning is: 'a life of misery.'

But times have changed! Or those folks don't know the lives my dogs live!! They have the 'life of Riley', and live 'in the lap of luxury.' Think about it. To be a dog in the Bates home means that you are always well fed, have plenty of water when ever you are thirsty. Never every do without love and affection, and pretty much have your owners at your disposal. Want to go outside? Simply back at the door. Want to play with the ball, sit and whine. Just want some loving..... lay at their feet. And - you never ever have to bathe yourself! Special treats are given from time to time - not for doing anything other than being your special self.

And on a holiday, you eat like a KING! If no one shows up to eat, (Momma always fixes way too much!) Papa will fix you a bowl of all the fixings just because he is thankful for you. Occasionally, Momma will fix baby back ribs - and each of them get their fill of bones.

If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I hope to come back as a higher being. A pet in the Bates house!!! I realize that not all dogs are as spoiled as ours - there are many in shelters all over the country. And with the recession - many folks are surrendering their dogs and cats - simply because they can not afford to feed them. Sure, some are adopted out, but many more are euthanized.

The local Floyd County Animal Control has begun a program that will help people who have fallen on hard times feed their animals. Simply show that you are receiving government assistance - and you are eligible for free dog food and or cat food. I commend the Floyd County Animal Control for this. And any one able to donate food for these animals, I recommend you do so. If your local Animal Control or Humane Society does not offer this assistance, please help in any way you can. Donate time, food or any other resource you can. I am thinking I will take pictures of the animals and post a spot that shows this weeks pets available for adoption.

As I have stated before, all of ours are rescued. And I would not have it any other way. Save a life. Adopt from your local ASPCA or Animal control. And please, please, please have your pet spayed or neutered.

After all - IT'S A DOGS LIFE.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oopy and the 'pool'

One of our dogs, Snoopy, whom we call Oopy more times than not loves to fetch. When he is tired, he goes as lies in the kiddie pool we have for them so none of the other dogs will take his ball. Today - I was adventurous, and after cleaning the patio and the pool I leaned it against the house.

John went outside to play with Oopy, and after he got tired he climbed into one of the water bowls - since the pool was empty!

If you look closely you can see his tennis ball in there with him! Needless to say - we have now refilled the pool for him - AND washed the water bowl!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Anyone who knows me, or follows this blog, knows how much I love my dogs. Especially Beth. She is the oldest (she turned 10 on July 4th) as well as the most devoted. She is by far the best dog I could ever have - and those reasons are so many I can not begin to name them all. The 'average expected life span' for White German Shepherds is 10 to 12 years. And that is for healthy dogs. Beth has never be the healthiest of the breed. She is allergic to grass (yes GRASS!), fleas, and her whole life she has be plagued with various kidney infections.

This past Sunday, Beth had a couple of strokes. She was unable to stand on her own legs. John had to carry her down stairs, and outside. When she attempted to stand, she would not be able to hold her own weight. Needless to say - it was heart breaking to witness. She would not even attempt to climb the stairs. She just laid on her rug and watched every move I made. And when she was strong enough to stand - she leaned drastically to her right side. A couple of times, she simply fell over. I stayed by her side all day, and did what I could to keep her comfortable. She appeared to be in no pain - just disoriented, and weak. I feared the worst when I went to bed Sunday evening.

The following day, she was back to her old self - she even jumped up on the bed with her Papa (John). And greeted me in her normal loving way, as she has done daily for the past 9 1/2 years. I hoped she had recovered fully.

On Tuesday morning it took her about and hour and a half to gather the strength to go outside. She remained docile throughout most of the day, and rarely ventured off of 'her' rug. Once again I was dismayed at the thoughts of her being less than her perfect self. She seemed just so tired. The same was the case on Wednesday. I feared the worst once again when I went to bed last night.

This morning when I awoke at 5:15, she was up and ready to go. Back was the playful puppy I loved. She wanted her morning ritual of going outside and once finished coming in and playing with the Momma. Then spending the rest of the morning by my side as I prepared to go to work. And - this evening she has seemed full of playful energy.

Tomorrow, is another day, and I will cross that bridge then - and at least try not to worry about how she will feel until it gets here. Trying just to stay positive and loving and above all show her she is loved and comfortable.

To some of you, she is just a dog. To me, she is a part of my family, who has never betrayed me, never hurt my feelings, and never stopped showering me with the love and devotion that only a dog can give. The unconditional love that many feel - but few appreciate. And this is to honor her. She is in the truest sense - my best friend. For more info about Beth, see a previous post entitled Sunday Morning Solitude.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Still have not yet decided where exactly this blog is headed. I do not necessarily think average people are interested in my simple day to day trials and tribulations. So - I think I must search for a theme to which I am passionate about - therefor to find others just as passionate about that subject to be become avid followers.

My passions are just as varied as my day to day routine. I adore my dogs, as well as my cats... but I do not go above and beyond to help other animals. I passion is my own little world and my own little (?) herd.

I love NASCAR. But I am biased towards the drivers I pull for, thus I loose objectivity when another driver puts my guy 'in the wall'.

I love to cook. But how many folks are truly interested in my choice of meals. After all - I am no Paula Dean. I attempt to make our meals healthy, yet tasty. But there is no set theme there as well.

I love working in Illustrator, Photoshop and art programs - after all.... that IS my job. I feel like I am given pieces of a puzzle and I am the one to decide what it looks like in the end. How lucky is that?

I am searching and requesting opinions, on which direction I should veer this blog into. And - yes - the readers (or reader) are the ones I wish to please. Comments are more than welcome.... as a matter of fact - I need that input to help me be no longer..... undecided.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ode To Oscar

Dear Oscar Mayer - I love your wieners...... 
No bologna. 
Why did you leave?  Was your expiration date due? 
Will the Wiener mobile carry your remains? 
and Will you be buried - or BarBequed? 
Was your liver wurst?
Do not mean to ham it up - but I really do ....

Wish I was an Oscar Mayer Wiener.... 
That is what I'd really like to be 
Cause if I was an Oscar Mayer Wiener 
Everyone would be in love with me! 

And for your enjoyment copy and paste in your browser:

Coming Soon...

And Ode To Oscar G. Mayer.

ADISON, Wis. (AP) — Oscar G. Mayer, retired chairman of the Wisconsin-based meat processing company that bears his name, has died at the age of 95.

Mayer's wife, Geraldine, said he died of old age Monday age at Hospice Care in Fitchburg.

He was the third Oscar Mayer in the family that founded Oscar Mayer Foods, which was once the largest private employer in Madison. His grandfather, Oscar F. Mayer, died in 1955 and his father, Oscar G. Mayer Sr., died in 1965.

Friday, July 3, 2009

To All -

A few of my favorite things....

Before I begin I want to take a moment to wish all a Happy Independence Day! 

I was thinking earlier this morning about a few of the best memories I have and the things I like best about the Fourth Of July. 

First and foremost: Fireworks. Lighting up the night sky with colors..... the ahhhs and ooos and the ones that take your breath away.

Home made ice cream. Not just any kind.... the one my Mom and Aunt Gwendolyn made as I was growing up. I remember Aunt Gwen always complaining to my Mom that she was using way to many eggs. "Its going to be so rich you won't be able to eat it. I  use half that many." ( Mother always used 6 eggs, and I swear - it was always the best! ) The biggest decision they had to make was what fruit to add. And the anticipation of tasting the sweet perfection... while the men took turns cranking the handle. Peach was my preference as a child - but there was strawberry, or banana as well. ( For those of you unaware - I HATE BANANAS! ) As an adult, (no comment from family about me being an adult please - I know I am still a kid at heart but that does not count here) my favorite is plain old vanilla. I am gaining a few pound just thinking about it.

Friends and family. All gathering together to have hamburgers on the grill. Everyone who comes brings something along with their appetites: ice, sliced veggies, buns, baked beans....

Take time to reflect on some of your childhood memories, and enjoy your day. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Everyone who has followed my blog for any length of time knows I am a NASCAR fan. I love the races. I found something my Nikon digital camera can do - quiet by accident. Below is the results. (And yes - we had seats on row 1!)


Guess you have noticed - I have sort of taken a vacation from blogging. Just was not sure if my efforts were worth wild. Trying to come up with a theme to blog about rather than my personal views and muse.... so far - nothing has come to mind. 

I am,  however on vacation from work. No trips were planned - no extra money. Alas - I must be content with simply staying home. Sure  - we have plans to do a few things... going to the lake, going fishing... and there is a chance we will go visit some friends in South Georgia for a few days.... if so it will be a spur of the moment trip.... which is usually the best kind.

I had an unexpected guest this morning. I had appealed our property tax assessment due to the hovel like conditions that are across the street. (another topic of another post). The guest was from the tax assessors office taking a more detailed look at our property! Thus possibly increasing OUR property taxes! All because I chose to complain about the filth and disgust that we have been staring at for almost 2 years! Personally I am appalled by my county's actions and am anxiously awaiting the letter from them confirming or denying my appeal.

I will - make every attempt to 'keep you posted'

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Say It Ain't So

Where has all the innocence gone? Do kids today:

  • Catch lightning bugs and put them in a jar
  • Play with June Bugs - tie a string around one leg and watch it fly? 
  • Set the table for supper - or even sit at the table as a family for supper
  • Have chores to do and DO them ( because there were consequences if you didn't)
  • Play outside til after dark - or until Momma yells "SUPPER"
  • Think that sodas are a special treat
  • Go to the super market and behave ( not so they will get a treat, but in fear of what they will get if they did not behave)
  • Know that eating out is a luxury, and treat it as such
  • Have a cooked breakfast at home every morning
  • Say yes Ma'am and no Ma'am, yes Sir or no Sir
  • Beg to get to 'help' in the yard or in the kitchen
  • Ride their bike 2 blocks away to play with a friend
  • Play outside all day with a friend and only  their imaginations
  • Go barefoot
  • Dig for worms for a fishing trip with Dad
  • Do what they are told the first time
  • Do not back talk for fear of what it will get them
  • Sit on the porch and snap beans for supper with their Mom, Grand Mom or Aunt
  • Play for hours with the new refrigerator card board box
  • Walk to the store - as a treat
  • Know what its like to sit at the 'kid's table at family gatherings
  • Hate the rain because they have to stay inside
This list could go on and on. Is it me, are am I now dreaming of the 'good old days' that I used to hearing stories about?

Friday, June 5, 2009

100 Days

First - I feel I must apologize for my long absence - just know that is a separate post altogether.

This past Tuesday marked 100 days of a healthier lifestyle for me. Eating right, and trying to exercise. I have no idea the actual weight I have lost. We do not own a scale. And I have no plans in the future of purchasing one. I can say that in February I went to the doctor for a regular check up and was ashamed to even look at the scale. So I have no idea my starting weight. I will return to the doctor in August for another check up. I will wait until then for him to tell me how many pounds I have shed. 

I can,  however tell you how many inches I have lost. 2 pants sizes, 13 total inches.  That sounds a little deceptive. I measure 7 different places. Each arm, each thigh, chest, waist and hips. I am quiet pleased with my progress, although to some it seems slow. The way I see it - it took a long time for me to get that large, its going to take a long time to reach my goal. I am in it for the long haul! I have goal jeans I want to get into. Not there yet - but I am closer. I can see the difference and I feel better about myself. Lets face it - I feel better. PERIOD.

This is what I am doing. I eat breakfast every morning. ( I used to never have time for breakfast, then about 10,  I would be starving and heading for the vending machine.) Most days my breakfast consist of either oatmeal or cereal. I prefer to opt for the Great Value brand 100 calorie Maple and Brown sugar.

The only thing I drink is coffee and water. No sodas - or (gasp) no more Jones Root Beers. (THE BEST ROOT BEER MADE!!! still made with pure cane sugar!!!!)

Mid way to lunch, I have a snack. I try to limit my snacks to 100 calories or less. Grapes, strawberries - something natural. I have discovered that 12 baby carrots have only 35 calories - so when possible that is my choice. Those 100 calorie packs you buy are deceptive.  I have found I feel full and have less calories but munching on fresh veggies or fruit.

I eat a normal lunch - usually a sandwich or leftovers. I try to walk 2 miles as well. (I get an hour for lunch and at a fast pace I can average 2 miles in 35-40 minutes)

Between 2 and 3 I have another snack. 99.9% of the time I choose the 100 calorie packs of popcorn.  (I am a nibbler - as long as its there I will nibble on it!!) Lets face it - 100 calories of pop corn is a lot of popcorn! 

I eat a healthy supper, then exercise. I am using the "Barry's Boot Camp' video. It goes quickly and I really get a work out. Still  way to cheap to join a gym.

Although my results are not astronomical - I am making progress.  I do from time to time allow myself the occasional indulgence. If I want an ice cream I get an ice cream. I just try to limit my indulgences a habit! 

If anyone asks - I am not dieting, I am just living and heating healthy. So far its working. Sure there are times when I feel like I have reached a plateau and nothing is changing.... but I keep going. Its hard to get depressed about gaining a pound or two when I do not weight daily.  Its nice to pull something out of the closet that has not been worn in a while and not only does it fit - its actually loose! THATS motivation. 

I must warn you though - exercise can be habit forming. On the occasions that something comes up and prevents me from exercising I become quiet irritated. I feel like I am cheating myself! And in reality - I guess I am.

I feel better physically, and emotionally. Its really nice to hear someone say how nice I look. Especially when its my husband. I believe he is as proud or (if possible prouder) of me as I am myself. Not that I am skinny by any means. I am actually looking forward to going to the doctor next August. I want to hear him say I am in good shape rather that hear - you've gained a few pounds we need to increase your bp meds or start cholesterol meds... or that is due to the weight you are carrying. I am tired of looking at the height and weight charts and seeing I fall into the 'obese' category. Being only 5'1" a little extra weight makes a BIG difference. If I was 5'9" at my present weight I figure I would be OK. 

I don't care if I am not skinny (my mother used to say I had big bones! Like THAT made it all OK!) I just want - one day - some stranger to ask - how I manage to stay so trim! Its been a long time since I have heard that..... but i will again...... and trust me - I will keep you posted!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lost, Found and Returned

It was a wet and dreary day on Wednesday. Too wet and rainy to go to the park and walk (which is my usual lunch time routine during the work week).

Several of my friends invited me to join them at lunch, but 
I declined. Although I could not walk, I was still drawn to the park.

Upon my nearing, a dog came running up the road towards my car. I slowed and hoped it would move - which it did. As a matter of fact, it followed me to my normal parking space. (Being a creature of habit, I always try to park in the same location every day).

As I opened the door, she tried to get in the car - cold, hungry and soaked to the bone.  I was on the  phone with John, all the while petting her. I spied that her collar had a name and number on it. Instantly I was off the phone with John, and dialing the number on the collar.

As I explained who I was, where I was and the reason for calling. he sighed that familiar sigh of relief. He said it would take him about 30 minutes to get there and asked if she was alone. He went on to explain that he and a friend had been coon hunting the night before and gotten separated from the dogs, He had been searching for them since 8 am.

As I waited for him to arrive, I pet and played with her. Very friendly. A couple of men with whom I work came up. Actually, we do not work together, we simply work in the same building and speak when our paths cross.

They asked about the dog, and I explained the situation. They left, went back to the office, and returned with some food for her. She ate that pork chop and bone like she had not eaten in days!!

When the owner arrived, his gratitude for my calling was apparent, as well as my staying with the dog until he could get there. I explained the generosity of my coworkers, as well as as my pleasure in seeing her returned safely to her proper owners.

 My husband explained later that evening that for most people that use dogs for hunting, although not mistreated, they do not love on them or give them an over abundance of food. There purpose is to work and are rewarded accordingly. These are not pets, but hunting dogs. None the less, if that is the case, for a brief time she was loved on and fed, and seemed grateful for all she received.

No matter what, I am glad I was able to assist in returning her, and will think fondly of my adventure.

The only question that remains - was she the reason I was drawn to the park? Some outside force influencing my actions? Or was it simply a coincidence. I think not. I think it was meant for me to be there. At the right place, and the right time. For both of us.

Below are 2 pictures that I made with my cell phone. ( She is attempting to lick herself dry.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

¿Qué Pasa?

Or - What's Happening?

Something about the way things are today just does not seem right. Every citizen has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So where does the Politically Correct Police come in? You should not pray at a ball game..... it might offend someone. You should not say Merry Christmas, instead use Happy Holidays.... because it might offend someone - or some group - which would impede on their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  But what about MY rights?

Its now politically correct for signs, billboards, even commercials to be bi-lingual. I am offended by this. I am an American citizen, born and raised in Georgia. But, due to the influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, I am forced to to read Spanish. That just does not seem right. If I was living in another country, would they allow me to communicate in only my native tongue? I think not. No special treatment for me. Why should these immigrants receive special treatment? They are allowed to bring their culture, their lifestyles to the US, and not conform to the American way of life. Why should we be forced to conform to theirs?  In their native country, it is acceptable to raise livestock in their yard. In the US, the folks who do that live on a farm. Not inside a sub-division where the average home is priced over 100 thousand dollars. Yet, they are allowed to get by with it, because they are immigrants.

Don't get me wrong - I come from a family of immigrants. My ancestors came to this country through Ellis Island, looking for a better life. They conformed to the American way of life. They learned and spoke English.

I have heard there is a debate going on within our government about making English the official language!. A DEBATE!!! ( those politically correct police are at it again!) Ballots are offered in many different dialects.... Why? What's next? Our traffic signs changed to bi-lingual? If you live and work here, and you can not speak or read the language. You need to learn. Period.

I have a sister-in-law who immigrated from the Philippines. There are no special signs or billboards or instructions printed for her. She conformed. She speaks English. Very well I might add! 

Elementary schools are forcing children to learn Spanish so that they can communicate with their classmates. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

A friend of mine, lived many years in Spain and Germany while she was growing up. Guess what! She conformed and learned Spanish and German so that she could communicate!! 

Another friend informed me today that the term Hispanic is not politically correct.  The proper term is Latino. But to quote him "I don't give a Mierda".

Many immigrants today do not wish to learn English. And why should they - everywhere you look everything is bi-lingual. If it were only in English, they would have no choice but to learn.  Personally, living, working in the US, I think one should have to.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

As you enjoy your day with family and friends..... take a moment to....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Piddle... Paddle... PLANT

Being a novice at almost everything, I consider myself a piddler. I piddle on the decorating of the house I call home, I piddle in the yard.... and I piddle with a garden (or at least a few tomato plants).

Most times, while doing these things,  I feel as if I am paddling up stream. Against the current, facing the rapids. Never quiet satisfied with my efforts. I should have done this differently, or added  that to improve the outcome or results.

Last year, my efforts in gardening were fruitful. (Please pardon the expression - but a tomato is actually a fruit). For the first time, we attempted tomatoes hanging upside down.... in buckets.
Here are a few pictures:

We have already started this years plants, and I am hoping they will do as well.......  will keep you posted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cubicle Kindness...

... or Thinking outside of your cube

Like many people, working for a large company, I reside inside a cubicle for 8 hours a day.

As a general rule, most of my coworkers are kind and considerate enough to keep their own personal noise level to a minimum. But there are a few exceptions to every rule. There should be a list of cube rules - either spoken or unspoken, which all should abide by.

Here are a few of my suggestions:
  1. No singing allowed. If you are kind enough to wear head phones, please do not sing along with the music. If I wanted to hear Captain and Tenille or the Bee Gees, I would load them on my iPod. I especially do not want to hear your monotone voice singing "Night Fever' out of tune.
  2. Speaker phones are strictly prohibited. Especially when the person you are calling is only four cubes away from you. It's heard in stereo - and personally I think one of you is more than enough.
  3. When eating in your cube, please keep the smacking to a minimum. And at least offer a sample to everyone within ear shot.
  4. If you have something  (i.e. a funny story, or last night's Survivor episode ending) you want to share with several folks, SEND THEM ALL AN EMAIL!  I do not want to hear it the first time you tell it, much less the 23rd time.
  5. Unless we are good friends, do not, I repeat, DO NOT comment on my phone conversations. If I want your opinion, I will ask.
  6. If you have an office, and are on the phone with your broker, banker, or a personal phone call, please close your door. I am a poor working woman, and I have no desire hearing you talk about your cabin in the mountains, your condo on the beach or the new porche you bought.
  7. Do not brag about how much free time you had to surf the net today, especially while I am trying to work.
  8. If you snore, do not nap. I will not call you to wake you up.
  9. And last but not least - please - if you have a cold, go to the restroom to blow your nose.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The State of Things

Taking a step back to look at life as a whole, I paused. Contemplating the value of things... what was once deemed as a necessity of life, now seems a luxury. What can one sacrifice to make life simpler once again. I work, to maintain. While others are content to get by, I want more than only existence. 
I know many people who draw disability - not because of injury or illness - but just to keep from having to work. Certain ones are not physically or mentally unable  - they just chose to manipulate the system. And - that angers me. They get by - and that tis all they care to do. The get assistance from the government in every way possible. Disability, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. I am not saying that all who draw are not deserving - but in my opinion if one person does without a real need - its one too many. The assistance was not set up to enable people to get by without working simply because they choose not to. It was set up to assist those in real need. 
Case in point: I personally know one woman who draws a check because of her nerves. 'She can not stand having someone yell at her'  Excuse me - I do not feel like that is a reason to draw a check. She is perfectly able to clean houses for people for cash..... that way she does not have to  turn it in and risk loosing her check. This same woman gets more in food stamps than I can budget for groceries and I work 40 hours a week, every week. 
Another person I know draws a check because he is an alcoholic. Understandable? Sure. But - after his check started he stopped drinking, bought a truck and sleeps in everyday until he wake up. No need to set a clock - he does not have to be anywhere at any certain time. Did his check stop and he get a job? No.  He also does 'cash jobs' when he needs extra money. I know of one woman who has 4 children by 4 different men. When child services took the first child away due to neglect, and her assistance was stopped, did she get a job and attempt to get her life in order? No. She had another child. That was her answer. The government paid for all four of her children. None of which she has now. All have either been adopted or are in foster care. She is now working and paying child support. It was court mandated.  It was either get a job and pay - or go to jail.  My list could go on and on - but my temper can not. I resent the fact that my elected officials allow this to happen, over and over, in every city, town and state of this nation. At one point in my life I was raising my son alone.... and instead of applying for food stamps or assistance from the government, my answer was to get another job. At one period I worked 2 jobs Monday through Friday, and I worked weekends at my third job. I was allowed to take my son with me on 2 of these. ( One was cleaning the shop where I worked my regular 40 hours, the other was selling t-shirts at ball games, harvest fairs etc.) What has happened to the morality of people today? Is it me or does it seem more and more folks want to take all the government  or anyone else will give? My mother used to tell us we were not owed a living - we had to earn our keep. But today, it seems more and more are getting money for doing nothing. Can there really be that many folks today that are so lazy  (or as my Mother used to say 'just sorry') that they won't work. How can things be this wrong? How can certain people be rewarded for being liars and cheats?  Somehow.... I do not think our founding fathers meant for it to be like this. But, I can not figure out where we went wrong. Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Going, Going, Gone GREEN

We went 'green' long before it was the popular thing to do. Not only to protect the environment, but because it saves money. In today's economy, every dime helps. For many years we have been recycling. Friends have commented and teased about how much 'trouble' we go through. And folks will ask 'is it OK to throw this in the garbage can?' The answer - more times than not is No.

We have a trash can for aluminum cans, which we squash before putting them in there. A trash can for tin cans, which we rinse and remove the labels before throwing in. ( Recycling does not mean you have to live with ants and bugs. ) We have a bin for plastics, a bin for clear glass and a bin for colored glass. We also have a box we use to hold the pasteboard boxes that cereal and many packaged products come in, as well as a box to hold newspapers and other types of paper. 
We feed the outside dogs some of the leftovers, but coffee grounds, vegetable peelings and the like either are composted or go down the disposal. So, the only things that go in the trash.... is well... trash.
Living in the county, we do not have trash pick up, so my husband goes to the dump. With our recycling, he has to go less often. Which, saves gas, and in turn, saves money.

90% of our bills come via email. The few that do not, have not yet committed to provide this type of billing... yet. I pay our bills through the bank provided 'bill pay' over the net, or through secure sites.  This saves money for gas and stamps.

We use energy efficient light bulbs. The are a little more expensive that the regular light bulbs, but they use less energy and last 10 times longer. So, there is real savings using them. 

We reuse the thin plastic bags most  supermarkets provide. We line small waste baskets, as well as return them to the stores for recycling.

I bought a fuel efficient car (average 35 mpg on my Toyota Corolla). My daily commute is 72 miles - 36 each way. When looking for a new car, I did the research and the math. When gas was averaging between $3-$4 per gallon I was driving a mini van that was getting 20 mpg. Since 2007 I have cut my fuel consumption in half. And with the recent decrease in fuel prices the money I save on gas each year makes 3 car payments a year. 

Brown bagging lunches saves gas and money. I cook almost every night. Rare are the times we go out to eat. My husband must eat a low or no fat diet due to his extremely high triglycerides. Few restaurants offer the healthy choices he requires. So I cook. I enjoy cooking. Its not only good food - but its good for us. Eating healthy is not cheap.... but - cooking and carrying leftovers help offset the price. Spending roughly $120 per week sounds like a lot of money for 2 adults. ( that is not counting the money we spend on pet food but it does include health and beauty aides ).... but when you consider it equals 21 meals a week per person it averages out to less that $3 per meal. Thats a bargain anywhere! And - we have a lot of folks that stop by and fix a plate to eat while they are hear. Its just how and what you prepare. No one has ever left our home hungry.

Every dime we save adds up. It seems like everyone is trying to cut back and save now. We do live on a tight budget, especially since my husband is now unemployed. We are a one income family, and with all our extra efforts we manage to get by. We are making it.... which is more than I can say for some. 

One other thing I am proud of. When we can.... we give... be it through charitable donations, time  or simply food  we try. We consider ourselves lucky..... and try to remain positive during these tough times.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Queen Wave

Have you ever noticed the wave the British Royal's use? Fingers together, wrist rotating. Uniquely their own. Years ago I adopted this wave.... quite for fun.

Some friends understood this wave.... I was the "Queen B". All, including myself poked fun at my 'royal position'.
There were many acquaintances that didn't 'get it' . Thus making my queen wave all the more amusing to my clique. 

Years passed and I continued to use this wave, to test new acquaintances... to see just how 'with the program' they were. Or at least to see if we were on the same 'wave length'.

It took about 2.5 years at my present job for a few to catch on. (And some are still oblivious!)
Gone are the days when my friends and I would burst into laughter when I waved.... Now I get looks of daze and confusion, or at the very least, go unnoticed as unique. Could it be a generation gap - or is it I am more misunderstood? Personally I want to believe its the latter.... but then again, I am older..... if not more mature.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

NASCAR Suspends Jeremy Mayfield

I shed no tears for NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield.

In my profile I made it clear that I am a NASCAR fan. John and I have a goal to visit each and every track.  Together we have been to Martinsville (VA) in 2008, and in 2009 we went to Bristol (TN). Separately, I have been to Daytona and Talledega, and John has been to Talledega and Atlanta..... we plan to go to those tracks together - but they others we will try to visit first.  

Last night's race in Darlington (SC) was somewhat over shadowed by the news that a driver and 2 crew members were suspended for failing the drug test. Here is my personal take on this: 

The banned drug that was found was not released.... but none the less - if it is banned - it is banned. And NASCAR has a reason for the ban.  When I started my job, there was a required drug test, as well as random drug tests given periodically. If you want to keep your job the answer is - don't do drugs. Jeremy knew there were drug tests.... and having a dream job like he did - he should have made sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would  pass.  When drug tests are given, a person is asked what type of prescriptions are being taken. After all - if it is prescribed by a doctor - its OK.

Rumors are running rampant on the web about the type of drug that was in his system.... 
'He mixed over the counter medication with prescriptions' , 'He had pain killers in his system' etc. All is simply speculation. The only fact that remains clear is that he failed the drug test and banned substances were found. Was he unaware of what substances are banned? I think not. He knew going in what he was taking... and if he had taken an allergy over the counter med along with a prescribed medication.... he should have said so when the test was given. Plain and simple.

Lives are at stake here. Not just his - but other drivers, crew members, media and fans. These guys are driving a car that weights 3400+ pounds ( Thats with all the fluids and a 200 pound driver ) and races (depending on the track) at nearly 200 mph. Would you want to fly in an airplane being piloted by someone who failed a drug test? I think not. I commend NASCAR on this suspension. In my book - they are the model other sports should adhere to. 

Why risk the dream.... the life.... this season - his average finish was 36th in 5 starts. His earning? $568,888. No small chunk of change. And.... I do hope for his fans benefit - that it was the combination of an over the counter medication and prescription medication that resulted in a failed test..... and not one of the many other illegal drugs that are plaguing our nation. But - a failed test IS a FAILED test.