Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today is nearly over. I am thankful for that. Its been one of the worst days I have experienced in a long time. As you know, my faithful dog Beth passed away today. Its been really tough on me - but I am trying to focus on some of the lighter times.

Like the time I had 2 fillet mignon's marinating and stepped outside for a few minutes. John was inside. He noticed that the dogs had gotten quiet, so he ventured to see where they were. All parents know - when the kids are quiet - they are up to something. Just as he entered the kitchen he saw her licking the last of the butter off the rolls I was preparing to put in the oven. Those steaks must be in the fridge he thought. No. Not on the grill either. Then he noticed the splatter on the floor! She had eaten not one but two - $15.00 fillets! ( and that was several years ago - probably worth more than that now!) No real need to get mad at her about it - after all I left them on the countertop.

Or the times a new kitten would come into our lives. She loved babies. She would lick and cuddle them like she was their Mother.

I bet we replaced 5 sets of mini blinds when we moved into this house. She was not familiar with this place and when we left to go to work she did NOT want to be left here! John said if she tore one more blind up he was going to put the broken ones in her food bowl! She was just nervous - and did not understand this was now home - she thought we were leaving her for good - not for a few hours! It did not take long. She never did have blinds for dinner.

Many are the times when I said she was going to have a bath - did she go upstairs and hide. IN THE TUB! Just her nose would be sticking out behind the shower curtain. I always thought she was thinking 'Momma will never find me here!" It reached the point that is where I looked first.

John and I talked a lot about her this evening and I feel I have had a revelation. No matter how bad loosing her hurt - If I known all those years ago when I got her what I would be feeling today... I would still do it all over again. In a second. The joy, the fun, companionship and love we shared far out weights everything else. She was worth it. And - in time - I will be OK.

We will miss her terribly - but - she had a good life - and she made our lives better. I have no regrets.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that you lost Beth. What a blessing that you can look back at all the memories she gave you all.
