Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

As you all know,  its Mother's Day tomorrow. 

I wish that my Mother was still alive so that I could give her a hug and wish her a Happy Mother's Day....

Being a Mother myself, I know just how much that means, My son, Billy lives about 4 hours away, in North Carolina. We speak quiet often, but our visits are far between. My job, my life here in Rome keeps me close by most of the time. His gives him the same fate.

This weekend, my husband John, is sitting with his parents. His father is bed ridden and needs assistance doing the tasks so many of us take for granted. In order for the regular 'sitter' or 'care giver' to be with her family on Mother's Day, John agreed to help/ He will also be with his Mother this weekend.

Sure, I will go for a visit and spend some time with them - but I will also spend the majority of my day alone. Do not misunderstand - its not that I do not enjoy some alone time on occasions. It gives me time to think, reflect, and blog.

I am sure  that all of you that have lost your Mother, or Momma, as I affectionally called mine, will at sometime this weekend stop, pause , and think of her.

I can not say that I was in any way a perfect daughter. ( Nor can I say I was perfect at Motherhood by the same token. ) There are many things I wish that I had said, or done and yes, said or done differently..... But what I wish most, especially on days like today was simply one more chance to say "I love you Momma".

Having been only 18 years old when she passed away,  (and am now the ripe age of 47) I have spent more of my life without her than with her. Time has not diminished the affection, nor the regrets.

So- if there is some chance that she is looking over me - I love you and miss you Momma. I hope I have made you proud.

For those of you who still have your Mother - no matter how aggravated or upset she makes you - remember - you won't have her forever, so every chance you have - tell her that you love her. Once she is gone - you won't get another chance. And..... unless you enjoy living with regrets..... visit her.

Gifts, flowers and cards are nice..... but time spent together is more precious.